Examine roughing-in for electrical power systems to verify actual locations of wiring connections.
If phone calls and web pages can be beamed through the air to portable devices, then why not electrical power, too?
Because much of the efficiency of electrical power is lost in transport, this is good for the planet as well as for the company.
ANYONE whose mobile phone has ever run out of juice-which means, these days, more than half the world's population-will like the idea of getting electrical power out of the air.
The major difference between these two power generators is that the chemical energy of the fuel cell is converted directly to electrical power without intermediate conversion first to heat.
Even if you heat your house with electricity, the generation of the electrical power may also have emitted a certain amount of CO2.
If you add more servers, is there enough electrical power?
Fewer hardware resources mean less money to spend on electrical power and cooling for physical devices.
TEPCO hopes to restore electrical power to the Fukushima site by means of a new cable laid from the outside.
In windy Colorado, a smart grid may focus more on harnessing wind energy to supplant electrical power.
There are other contributors to financial problems such as the cost of maintaining physical facilities, electrical power usage, cooling systems, and of course administration and management factors.
Bolted across the station, making a cross at the point where the Russian and us sections meet, is a huge truss that carries 16 solar panels to provide electrical power.
Lasers also need chemical fuel or electrical power which is not readily available in space.
Since the electrical power for SS will be from solar panels, there is no extra water generated onboard.
Those electrons move to the cathode, providing electrical power and, at the cathode, producing hydrogen gas.
Valuable data assets reside in nonvolatile memory so they are protected against the loss of electrical power - regardless of whether the loss is deliberate.
"The unknown is electrical power [supply] and that will be touch and go," says a Toyota spokesman.
The energetic particles can damage satellites, cause communication and navigation problems in airplanes, and disrupt electrical power in homes and businesses.
The system also has the potential to use the compact engine as an electrical power source to further reduce the battery burden of dismounted soldiers, which can be as high as 11kg.
According to many experts, we may soon find ourselves using fuel cells to generate electrical power for all sorts of devices we use every day.
This motivated us to realise power generation by turning sound energy from speech, music or noise into electrical power.
The electrical power grid is particularly vulnerable to these extra currents, which can infiltrate high-voltage transmission lines, causing transformers to overheat and possibly burn out.
A powerful solar eruption has disturbed radio communications and could disrupt electrical power grids, radio and satellite communication in the next days, NASA said.
The structure would utilize atmospheric energy conversion by converting the difference in atmospheric pressure at the top and bottom of the structure into electrical power.
It took decades for electrical power to become a tradable commodity.
Each bolt lasts a few seconds so they're producing more electrical power than every nuclear plant in the world combined, and even more destructively.
Both water and blood require a lot of pumping. Those pumps are heavy and need electrical power.
Both water and blood require a lot of pumping. Those pumps are heavy and need electrical power.