The financial system, Bernanke said, was not unlike the nation’s electrical grid.
Later, electric lighting was installed and hooked into the camp's electrical grid.
Interconnection refers to the process of connecting a generator to the electrical grid.
The electrical grid goes everywhere-it's the largest and most complex machine ever made.
The network will tie into PJM's electrical grid, which serves 13 states and Washington d.c..
The network will tie into PJM's electrical grid, which serves 13 states and Washington D. c.
One obvious drawback is that connecting deep-water turbines to the electrical grid will be expensive.
This means upgrading the nationwide electrical grid to prevent power outages and shore up weak spots.
Much of the technology in our current electrical grid was developed in the 60s and is wasteful and not very smart.
How to find a type of highly precise and reliable time transfer technology is the key to realize the time unity of the electrical grid.
But the big fear is what might happen to the electrical grid, since power surges caused by solar particles could blow out giant transformers.
The Grid is the first history of the electrical grid intended for general readers, and it comes at a time when we badly need such a guide.
A devastating attack will hit the Internet or the country's electrical grid in the next decade, a majority of experts predicted in a new report.
In 2004, the barely functioning electrical grid on this small island was reinforced with a solar array and rechargeable batteries to keep the lights on.
Newer technologies, like mobile phones, computers and the Internet, are spreading faster than did older ones, like the electrical grid and telephone land lines.
We must keep in mind that it will take years to fully repair the damage electrical grid and power stations resulting from a direct hit of a perfect solar storm.
Because solar storms can disrupt human technologies, it's important to know when we might expect a serious event that could shut down the electrical grid, for example.
While the upgrade will enable the plant to meet demanding operational targets, it must be quickly returned to service in order to maintain Poland's electrical grid stability.
The chassis incorporates electrical systems to store and convert solar power for daily use, and to give back to the electrical grid during the temperate fall and spring months.
But we could achieve tremendous energy savings - and emit less carbon - if we marry the electrical grid to the networked power of the Internet, in a concept called the smart grid.
Smart grid technology is a moniker for an effort to update the nation's antiquated electrical grid, which experts say is inefficient, prone to failure and vulnerable to cyber sabotage.
The research could lead to panels that can charge a cell phone from a conversation or provide a boost of energy to the nation's electrical grid generated by the noise during rush hour traffic.
A British firm, Aggreko, has won a contract to set up electrical generators to supply 30mw to Ethiopia's grid.
British firm, Aggreko, has won a contract to set up electrical generators to supply 30mw to Ethiopia's grid.
In windy Colorado, a smart grid may focus more on harnessing wind energy to supplant electrical power.
In windy Colorado, a smart grid may focus more on harnessing wind energy to supplant electrical power.