As recently as 2010, China added as much coal-fired electricity generation capacity in a single year as exists in all of Germany.
As these countries undergo rapid urbanisation, they will also need to boost their power generation capacity in order to meet the increased demand for electricity.
Britain needs to increase its capacity for electricity generation because all but one of the country's nuclear facilities, and half of its coal power plants, are due to shut by 2023.
Its capacity, of 25 gigawatts (GW), makes it the largest power-generation firm in Russia, the world's fourth-biggest market for electricity.
Last year the industry installed 37, 500 megawatts of electricity-generation capacity, increasing the total installed base by almost a third. Capacity in China doubled.
Generation capacity is insufficient to meet the existing demand for electricity, and transmission and distribution networks that carry power to consumers are inadequate.
The company possessing the market power can control its power generation capacity or electricity tariff to reach its target of effecting on the market price.
Based on the electricity price predict precision risk, a generation company optimal allocation of capacity between two market is present in this paper.
The NEA said installed renewable power capacity including wind, hydro, solar and nuclear power would contribute to about half of new electricity generation by 2020.
Electricity in Heilongjiang electrical power system is mainly fire power generation. Waterpower generation only accounts for 7.67% in electrical power capacity.
Last year the industry installed 37,500 megawatts of electricity-generation capacity, increasing the total installed base by almost a third. Capacity in China doubled.
The framework can be extended to other applications such as optimal bidding of generation capacity in multiple electricity markets facing price and operational uncertainties.
Aim at the electricity generation dispatching and capacity benefit of the Three Gorges Power under the electricity market environment and obtained a series of valuable fruits.
Aim at the electricity generation dispatching and capacity benefit of the Three Gorges Power under the electricity market environment and obtained a series of valuable fruits.