The harmfulness caused by corrosion of metal anode in electro-coating process was expounded. Corrosion reasons of anode were analysed and its protection methods were explored.
This article focuses on the difficulties and solutions about using cathode electro-coating in the production of large coach, and the problems to be taken care of in the production.
This paper introduces the entirely closed upstream cleaning technology after electro - coating, where reverse osmosis technology is employed and domestic ultrafiltration equipment is used.
Electro deposition coating engineering is a kind of complicate process. Among all the surface treatment processes of aluminum alloys, abnormalities are occurred easily in this process.
By research with electro-probe microanalyzer(EPMA), we found that the surface density and the interface combination status of the coating is the key factors that effect its anti-oxidation.
The crystalline temperature and the hardness of the amorphous electro-depositional coating were determined.
Surfactant, mechanical and ultrasonic technique are applied together to diverse nano-particle among composite electro-brush plating coating.
The influence of thermal cycles on the enamel coating corrosion resistance was investigated by Weld Thermal Simulation, Electro chemical Technique, SEM and XRD.
The experimental results show that corrosion resistance and combinative ability of the Ni-P alloy electro-brush plating coating are excellent.
A protecting aluminum coating on the magnesium alloy surface was obtained by electro-arc spraying.
Plasma enhance electro-chemic al surface ceramic-coating (Microarc oxidation) is a new technique, which can in-situ form the ceramic coatings on the surfaces of some non-ferrous metals.
Due to the fact that most of the cold rolled steel sheets are with a brushed surface and it's not advised to be use for mirror electro coating.
但由于本钢浦项产冷轧板一般为麻面板, 皱面(防滑)镀铬,镀镍的表面处理完全胜任,但要求所以要求镜面电镀的客户,需要谨慎使用。
Due to the fact that most of the cold rolled steel sheets are with a brushed surface and it's not advised to be use for mirror electro coating.
但由于本钢浦项产冷轧板一般为麻面板, 皱面(防滑)镀铬,镀镍的表面处理完全胜任,但要求所以要求镜面电镀的客户,需要谨慎使用。