EOTS is part of the F-35 Electro-Optical Sensor System that consists of Northrop Grumman's Distributed Aperture System and EOTS.
F - 35光电传感器系统由EOTS系统和诺斯罗普·格鲁门公司的分布式孔径系统组成。
Optical-electro sensor detect, pause during bottle missing or jam, auto operating after re-set.
ASTAMIDS carries multi-sensor electro-optical infrared and multi-spectral imaging systems to detect patterned surface emplaced mines, patterned recently buried mines, and randomly scattered mines.
ASTAMIDS carries multi-sensor electro-optical infrared and multi-spectral imaging systems to detect patterned surface emplaced mines, patterned recently buried mines, and randomly scattered mines.