This article introduces the development and application of electromagnetic flow meter, analyze its industrial application difference and marketing share distribution.
Surveying the internal resistance of a sensitive electric current meter is a rather difficult and complicated electromagnetic experiment which is hard to get a high precision.
This paper introduces the defects of brine purification in the dosing process of caustic soda and proposes method to reduce brine cost with electromagnetic flow meter.
When Sharon Leong conducts field work, she packs a digital camera, a thermometer and an electromagnetic field meter.
Theinstrument is designed based on electromagnetic theory and principle of equilibrium in mechanics and composed of a timer, a current regulator and meter, control circuits and two-arm pinchers.
With optical displacement meter, non-electricity detection can be realized, which helps to avoid the effect of strong electromagnetic field and humidity.
The production quantity meter for dredger consists of a density gauge, an electromagnetic flowmeter interface and a specific micro-computer based on Z80.
It lays a foundation for the future research on the response characteristics of the electromagnetic flow meter.
The intelligent hardware meter fluid mainly by electromagnetic flow-meter, AT89C51 single-chip and its components, such as interface circuit.
该智能流体计量仪的硬件主要由电磁流量计、AT 89 C51单片机及其接口电路等部件组成。
The influence of frequency deviate or harmonics to the traditional kilowatt hour meter of electromagnetic induction type is analysed in the paper.
The influence of frequency deviate or harmonics to the traditional kilowatt hour meter of electromagnetic induction type is analysed in the paper.