In Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), for example, there is no real notion of a service interface, since EDI systems usually have a single global inbox and outbox for messages.
例如,在电子数据交换(Electronic Data Interchange,EDI)中,不存在真正的服务接口概念,因为EDI系统通常有一个单个的全球的消息收件箱和发件箱。
In Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), for example, there is no real notion of a service interface, since EDI systems usually have a single global inbox and outbox for messages.
例如,在电子数据交换(Electronic Data Interchange,EDI)中,不存在真正的服务接口概念,因为EDI系统通常有一个单个的全球的消息收件箱和发件箱。