This section lists the variable data for each message or element instance in a table.
Messages have variable data for each instance or occurrence of the element to identify the precise resource and other data required to fix the problem.
To get around this I use a data structure to define a named indicator variable for each array element.
If the use of that variable spans multiple activities, you define the variable at the workflow level so that any element can access it.
First, that variable is set whenever the start of the target element is reached.
However, this WSDL file, or the contract, does not declare which element (s) may be a required or optional variable for the invocation.
One important element of expressions is the variable.
Note that the row and column order is the same as the element order in each set, and the index variable names are consistent between lines 12, 13, and 14.
Note in the evaluation, if the pattern is a bound variable, or the element of the pattern is a bound variable, then the result of the pattern match becomes a comparison.
This is the context variable that refers to the element that fired the event.
When the BULK COLLECT clause is included, the statement can return multiple rows; the variable in the INTO clause must be an array, and each row is stored in an array element.
在包括BULKCOLLECT子句后,该语句可返回多行;INTO 子句中的变量必须是阵列,且每一行存储在一个阵列元素中。
You must encode all variable names of the form with the encodeNameSpace tag element.
For this definition, add a with element and set the variable to activeMenuSelection.
If the constraint has a message associated with it (through the message Id), the {0} variable in the message is substituted by the context element — unless it is between single quotes.
Increment the iterator variable iter for each "article" element, as in Listing 20.
增加每个“article ”元素的迭代器变量iter的值,如清单20中所示。
So, I need to configure the args variable appropriately, as in this case I set the first element to a directory name.
We nest an tag inside the first and indicate that within the scope of the iteration, variable name "swimmer" will be associated with the current element.
The number of multi-value context variables is restricted to one variable per <sur:user .../> element.
多值上下文变量的数量仅限于每个 <sur:user .../>元素一个变量。
The number of multi-value context variables is restricted to one variable per <sur:search .../> element.
多值上下文变量的数量仅限于每个 <sur:search .../>元素一个变量。
The number of multi-value context variables is restricted to one variable per <sldap:user .../> element.
多值上下文变量的数量仅限于每个 <sldap:user .../>元素一个变量。
When using event handlers in jQuery, the context variable refers to the element that fired the event.
Columns surrounded by quotation marks and prefixed with the "t" variable are based on XML element values, as the subsequent lines of the query indicate.
查询中后面的几行表明,用引号括起来、并且以变量“t ”为前缀的列是基于XML元素值的列。
The namespaces are added and each element is made aware of its level within the hierarchy (through the level variable).
If the name is title, the code puts the actual contents of the element into the String variable title.
This version of the code adds a Boolean variable, inElement, which ensures that textual content is only picked up specifically for the element being dealt with.
The with element specifies the variable name used for the check.
To specify an int variable for an iterator and a String variable for element name, use the code in Listing 17.
If the variable contains a value, that value is used in a link element in the HTML to link to the stylesheet that you specify.
Use the elemtext String variable, which was set for event type START_TAG, to get the element tag name.
可以使用elemtextString变量来获得元素标签名称,该变量是为事件类型START _ TAG设置的。
This can be a schema element, a Web service adapter, or some other data store definition, but it can also be a global variable.