The counter - moral education phenomenon which disobeys the moral education goal in the elementary and middle schools education appear frequently.
The elementary and middle schools education in respect for the law is the civic education, an education for all-around development extremely important stage and the content.
Master of education is one kind of the professional masters which intents to promote the in-service teachers and governors from elementary and middle schools.
The emotional education has a long history, which has important practical significance in the current elementary and middle schools' education in our country.
At present there is great blindness and mobility in selecting and appointing education administrators at elementary and middle schools.
As a completely new cultivation concept and system, integration of sports and education has been executed in Shanghai middle and elementary schools.
The level and quality of the basic education in countryside depends on the quality of the principals in elementary and middle schools.
At present, rural primary and middle schools' distribution adjustment constitutes a major aspect of China's elementary education program.
At present, rural primary and middle schools' distribution adjustment constitutes a major aspect of China's elementary education program.