In sketching the side elevation of the century-old house, the idea of replicating it just beside came to us.
The elevation or side view is known as a dendrogram .
When dig high cutting, except the control of side slope Angle and shoulder (road) 's elevation, width. We also should control roadbed's filling and press degree.
The south-facing elevation is clad in metal panels and horizontal glass fins with a dense frit, while the north side features exposed glazing.
A double layered large window appears on the south side elevation of the house.
This drawing shows the side elevation of that building.
The feasibility of increasing open pit′s service life by deeping the final mining elevation, treating lean copper ore in the piles, recovering stope side ore is discussed.
论述了延长铜山口矿露天采场服务年限的必要性 ,探讨了通过延深最终开采标高、处理堆场贫铜矿、回收挂帮矿量等途径以达到延长露采服务年限目的的可行性。
A single measure of elevation (one pixel) on the map is roughly the size of two football pitches placed side-by-side.
The hinge has a central portion (50) with a convex outer surface, with the lid closed and as viewed in side elevation, that blends with a smooth curvature into outer surfaces of the lid and the base.
所述铰链具有中心部分(50),在盖闭合时并且从侧面正视图观 察时中心部分(50)具有凸的外表面,所述凸的外表面以平滑曲率融入所述盖和所述基体的外表面。
The major side effects of L ASP were leukocytopenia, elevation of serum bilirubin and hyperglycemia.
On the right side road of the Mountain pass, there is a black over 2-meter memorial stone with words on its center going, "the elevation here is 6700 meters".
The computer simulation results are presented, which illustrates the validation of the new approach and the feasibility of high-elevation Angle, double-side looking SAR satellite concept.
Side effects include somnolence, urinary retention and elevation in liver enzymes.
FIG. 3 is a left side cross-sectional elevation view of the air purifier shown in FIG. 1 in the vertical operating orientation;
FIG. 3 is a left side cross-sectional elevation view of the air purifier shown in FIG. 1 in the vertical operating orientation;