Rubber panel as a new type of Facing is proposed for overflow embankment dam.
The low volume-weight of the embankment dam is an factor of unsafety of Andi Reservoir Project.
It's a very potential technology to the seepage by means of measuring temperature in embankment dam.
Result: Finally, using 3-D finite element method to model the leakages of an embankment dam, for example.
It also includes a consideration of possible alternatives, such as a concrete gravity dam or an earth-fill embankment dam.
As a general rule of thumb, post-construction settlement of an embankment dam should not exceed 1% of the height of the dam.
Two main problems in embankment dam construction, earthwork allocation and construction organization plan, are analyzed firstly in this paper.
Sand and gravel are filled in different zones in embankment dam with concrete face slab and auxiliary embankment dam at Chalong Hydropower Station.
After check and assessment, construction quality for embankment dam with concrete face slab material filling at chalong Hydropower Station is excellent.
The result of calculation manifests that the seepage state is improved and the storage capacity is enhanced after paving the composite geomembrane to the embankment dam.
The research results provides important basis for the design of side slope of swelling clay embankment dam and the consolidation and treatment of swelling clay foundation.
Dam safety evaluation of the embankment dam is very important in the dam operation and its management, and its safety evaluation must be based on the observation data during its operation.
The key link of embankment dam construction is fil ling and compacting of earth and rock materials and the compaction quality depends on whether the compacting standard is properly executed.
Chalong Hydropower Station is located in northern Tibet Plateau with high elevation and severe cold. The main dam is an embankment dam with concrete face slab at the highest elevation in China.
A dam or embankment is built to keep in the water, which freezes at night and remains frozen in the absence of direct sunlight.
The new dam consists of an earth core rockfill embankment and a concrete transition at the left abutment.
CFRD observation system plays important roles for guidance of embankment filling construction and safety operation of dam after reservoir filling.
The purpose of this research is to establish a simple and practical mathematical model for the water retention curve in unsaturated section of upstream embankment constructed tailings dam.
The purpose of this research is to establish a simple and practical mathematical model for the water retention curve in unsaturated section of upstream embankment constructed tailings dam.