Step 5: Look for an emergency exit or emergency door release switch.
As useless as I knew it would be, as weak as my knees already were, panic took over and I bolted for the emergency door.
The Emergency Door Module (EDM) allows the engine to be started only when the emergency exit door is closed and unlocked.
When the machine is running strictly prohibit any part of the body goes into which the emergency door the protection cover and the mold emptier can reach.
But the emergency door opened, and "quite a lot of people were able to get out of the plane," she said, calling the evacuation fairly orderly with passengers helping elderly women.
This door should only be used in an emergency.
Please leave your room immediately and follow the emergency exit door. Please leave the building immediately.
At the door of the hospital emergency room, a social worker informed her that only family members were allowed inside.
If you're fit enough to open the door in an emergency, you can be the first person out.
Remember the number of the door from your room to the emergency exit.
The pilot said instructions for opening the exits are printed clearly on the inside of the door in case they have to be opened by a passenger in an emergency.
You should only use this door in an emergency.
At the next level I throw open the emergency exit door and they all begin to evacuate out.
You should only use this door in an emergency.
"Someone dragged me to the emergency exit door and threw me out before I realised what was going on, " the boy was quoted as saying.
Please read the emergency instructions on your room door. Your nearest emergency exit is also shown.
This paper describes the structure, function of each subsystem, emergency measure in case of malfunction and management for safe operation of the screen door in Guangzhou Metro.
Stow or secure the emergency exit door so that it will not impede use of the exit;
The little green men to a door run, mark on one side of the arrow, this is tell everyone in the direction of emergency exit, to tell the baby once encountered fire, to the arrow direction to run.
Escape slide inflation is automatic if the door is opened with the Emergency Control Handle (ECH) in the ARMED mode.
It does not include any door exclusively designated as an emergency exit, or a garage door not designed as a pedestrian entrance.
They arrived at the emergency stairwell, and Sophie carefully pulled open the door.
However, in the event of an emergency you will be responsible for opening the safety door.
However, in the event of an emergency you will be responsible for opening the safety door.