Europe's Emissions Trading Scheme is the world's largest market.
欧洲排放交易计划(Europe ' s Emissions Trading Scheme)是世界上最大的市场。
The European emissions trading scheme, which will affect large European manufacturers from next January, is already starting to bite.
Two of them plan to auction all the permits, unlike the countries in the European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme, which handed them out for nothing.
Current carbon pricing schemes, such as the European emissions trading scheme, are a good start, but they leave out too many sectors, and permits are too cheap.
The European Union argues that one credit must equal one tonne of carbon dioxide for its Emissions Trading Scheme, the largest emissions market, to be effective.
The European Union, through its emissions trading scheme, has tried to make power plants consider the costs of carbon, forcing them to buy "permits" for emissions.
High gas costs and very low auction prices for carbon emissions within the European emissions Trading Scheme meant that generators chose to use dirty coal rather than gas.
Under the proposals, airlines would leave the EU emissions trading scheme, which they are due to join in 2012, and would buy carbon dioxide permits in a global market.
Walsh said the European Union should use its emissions trading scheme as a fore-runner for a global programme but not attempt to drag in non-EU airlines lest they take legal action.
At EU level, this approach is embodied in the greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme (ETS), the 2003 directive on energy taxation and the recently revised Eurovignette directive on truck tolls.
For the moment the main compulsory market, Europe's emissions-trading scheme, does not accept forest-carbon credits.
Mr Rudd's misfortunes began in April, when he dropped a proposed emissions-trading scheme.
Instead of using this year to get parliament to adopt an emissions-trading scheme that would put a price on carbon pollution, action will now be delayed until 2013 at least.
Q: What is China's position on the EU incorporating aviation emissions into the carbon trading scheme?
The main cause for the slide seems to be his shelving of plans for an emissions-trading scheme to fight climate change, seen as one of his administration's main goals.
That cap will be cut each year after 2013: this should help to support carbon prices in the EU's Emissions-Trading Scheme.
That said, demand for renewables elsewhere might increase, as Germany's extra use of fossil fuels pushed up the price of carbon in Europe's emissions-trading scheme.
A carbon price now exists, established by the European Emissions-Trading Scheme (ETS).
Everyone blithely signed on to the EU's flagship emissions-trading scheme. But France and Germany then gave their industries so many permits to pollute that they undermined the entire scheme.
The trick of managing both to save jobs and the planet will mostly be left to the EU’s Emissions-Trading Scheme (ETS).
The European Union’s Emissions-Trading Scheme, which started up in 2005, is the only large-scale attempt so far to set a carbon price.
That may or may not happen. In the meantime the airline industry should stop fighting to delay its inclusion in a global emissions-trading scheme.
Ms Gillard will also have to assess the damage she and Mr Rudd caused with their decision five months ago to scrap plans for an emissions-trading scheme to fight climate change.
5个月前,陆克文和吉拉德决定搁置应对气候变化的温室气体减排计划。 而今,吉拉德必须评估当初决定所带来的影响。
The European Union's Emissions-Trading Scheme, which started up in 2005, is the only large-scale attempt so far to set a carbon price.
The trick of managing both to save jobs and the planet will mostly be left to the EU's Emissions-Trading Scheme (ETS).
The trick of managing both to save jobs and the planet will mostly be left to the EU's Emissions-Trading Scheme (ETS).