The cells emitted light once every 24 hours over a sustained period of time.
Note: SD card can be inserted and with a USB interface, the lamp emitted light can vary.
The light intensity is related to the intensity of emitted light and the dust medium in the air.
当发射光强一定时 ,其光电流大小与媒质有关。
Thus, back emitted light is reflected by the dichroic filter 106 towards wavelength converting element 110.
In the embodiment shown in FIG. 4a, only a portion of the emitted light is collected by the optical concentrator 108.
The re-emitted light interacts with fluorescent pigments found on the butterflies’ wings to produce the vibrant green-blue color.
那些被重新发射的光线与蝴蝶翅膀上的荧光色素相互作用,就产生了明亮的蓝绿色。 相隔长距离的蝴蝶用这种明亮的颜色进行相互沟通。
A monochromator can separate specific wavelengths of interest, and a detector l, used to measures the intensity of the emitted light.
Moreover, the ability to mix and match the output of red, green and blue LEDs makes it possible to "tune" the emitted light to produce any desired colour.
A digital X-ray system for capturing high quality images by maximizing the collection of emitted light from an intensifying screen in response to X-ray impact.
Numerical results show how the intensity of emitted light varies from the spontaneous radiation, which undergoes amplification by small-signal gain, to the steady output due to the saturation effect.
It makes it possible to analyze the light emitted from stars.
Light emitted in this environment will have a certain frequency, which is related to the time scale (or the gravity strength) of the environment.
WE CANNOT see what lies beyond the visible horizon of our universe, simply because light emitted beyond that horizon has not had time to reach us.
Red aurora are generated by light emitted at a longer wavelength (0.630 micrometers), and other colors such as blue and purple are also sometimes observed.
In the case of this mega-maser, the light was emitted when the universe was very young — about 10% of its current age.
Around 90% of the power they consume is emitted as heat rather than light.
Argon emitted blue and green light, krypton several other colours, and mixing the two gases made a laser that could emit across the visible spectrum.
So, as we look further and further away, it takes longer and longer for the light to get from where it's emitted to here and we can actually see backwards in time.
Naturally occurring fluorescence emitted and captured using powerful underwater strobes and special barrier filters that only allow specific wavelengths of light.
For this new mega-maser, the light captured in today's photo was emitted 12 billion years ago.
These displays offer deep blacks and high contrast ratios (because no light is emitted from the display in black areas), and are lighter and thinner than LCDs.
The teeth can be used like a ruler to measure the light emitted by lasers, atoms, stars, or other objects with extraordinarily high precision.
To begin with, the laser palette was rather limited: helium-neon and ruby lasers emitted red light, and others produced invisible infrared.
The natural fluorescence of GFP is incoherent, just like the light emitted by a normal light bulb.
The natural fluorescence of GFP is incoherent, just like the light emitted by a normal light bulb.