From his professorial perch at the University of Californiaat San Francisco, he's written more than a dozen books, including "Telling Lies" and "Emotions Revealed."
Our analysis revealed their inner work lives - the usually hidden perceptions, emotions and motivations that people experience as they react to and make sense of events in their workdays.
"We are working on non-verbal cues and the emotions are revealed through physical postures, gestures and movements of the body rather than facial or verbal expression," Dr Canamero added.
Brain scans revealed that the regions of their brains in which emotion is processed were unusually active, while areas dedicated to keeping those emotions under control were weak.
Every writer has his own life experience, personality, thought and emotions, which are revealed through the diction, sentence structures, certain linguistic patterns and deep structures of his works.
After reining in his emotions, Anakin revealed his secret to Hett.
Results from a pilot scheme revealed that callers are happier at home, sadder at work and display more intense emotions in the evenings.
Her unusual utterance revealed her emotions.
She unravels the thoughts and crawls into the heads of the characters until an exposed picture of them and their innermost emotions are revealed.
Results revealed that: l) Academic procrastination was relatively popular among Chinese college students, and had negative effects on the students' learning, emotions, and life;
Results revealed that: l) Academic procrastination was relatively popular among Chinese college students, and had negative effects on the students' learning, emotions, and life;