Evidently he was not the easiest man to work with and he set records for employee turnover.
To the extent that you can be a good boss, you can keep employees, keep them happy, and reduce the costs associated with employee turnover.
Fast food chains like McDonalds have one of the highest employee turnover rates of any industries.
Another factor that can discourage foreign companies from setting up sophisticated operations in China is the dramatic rate of employee turnover.
Such data, plus the fact that Alpha has a stable workforce with little employee turnover, indicate that we should use Alpha Construction Company, rather than Zeta, for all future building projects.
Regardless of whether it's due to changing specifications, employee turnover, team dynamics or new technology there is no avoiding it.
Employee turnover: due to the bad working conditions and low pay, employee turnover can be very high.
This may lead to employee turnover at a most unfortunate time in the project.
They have a belief in themselves that, some say, results in high staff satisfaction and low employee turnover.
The vast majority of vacancies produced because the company internal promotion or former employee turnover, and usually within a reasonable period of time to be filled.
High employee engagement levels have also been tied to reduced sickness rates, lower employee turnover and more — all of which can increase revenue and boost profits.
高员工敬业等级也会相应地减少得病率,更低的员工离职和更多- -所有的这些都能增加收入和提高利润。
Not only the factor of employee itself and environment but also that of enterprise results in the employee turnover.
Therefore, it is so important to carry out research on the influencing factors of employee turnover in hospitality that we can find out measures to retain hotel employees.
Should an "ideal" annual report detail chronic high employee turnover?
Employee turnover is a hard nut to crack for human resource management.
A foreign company claims to dissatisfied customers to provide full compensation, the company paid the price, but revenue is soaring, employee turnover rate is from 117% to 50%.
Thus, the research on employee turnover in railway transport enterprises becomes a project supported by railway science and technology fund in 2000.
One important reason for this was the unexpectedly high employee-turnover rate.
Employee turnover and the impact that it has on the organization has been at the forefront of senior management and human resource professionals.
Employee turnover is an important phenomenon which has been concerned in multidisciplinary and enterprises in recent years.
Making these changes has reduced physical demands, eliminated unnecessary movements, lowered injury rates and the irassociated workers' compensation costs and reduced employee turnover.
Usually a company may maintain a healthy employee turnover with an attrition rate below 10%, while company JBT has reached 28%.
Dissatisfaction in any aspects of the work can lead to employee turnover.
This study was designed analyze the causes of employee turnover and the costs of employee turnover within organizations.
For above these problems, this article discusses the function and construction of psychological contract in the key employee turnover for enterprises.
If the employee turnover rate is too high, it will impact the stability of the talent in the organization and it may increase the cost on human resources.
If the employee turnover rate is too high, it will impact the stability of the talent in the organization and it may increase the cost on human resources.