What worries me from the current industry perspective was that the end investor was probably overweight in the carry trade.
Under this scheme, towards the end of each quarter Lehman temporarily swapped some of its assets for cash with another bank or investor, but booked this as if it were a permanent sale of the assets.
Signals that the endless fumbling over Greece's second bailout will end in debt restructuring prompted investor flight from core euro-zone countries as well as peripheral ones.
At the other end of the market from the speculating home buyer was the speculating investor.
In the end, the Goldman episode may only go to further burnish Paulson's reputation as a canny investor.
Regulators would, though, have to ensure that Banks didn't buy each other's securities and that they didn't all end up in the hands of one investor.
From the Angle of the agent's cost which comes from the principal-agent between the investor and fund manager, the article analyses the reason of the discount of closed-end fund of our country.
Distributed profits refer to the practical profits distributed to each investor by an enterprise by the end of the fiscal year of the report.
Indeed, data through the end of 2003 suggest continued strong official inflows related to currency intervention and renewed private investor interest in U. s. corporate bonds and equities.
From the Angle of the agent 's cost which comes from the Principal-Agent between the investor and fund manager, the article analyses the reason of the discount of closed-end fund of our c...
Based on the practice situation of China stock market and the closed-end fund, the investor sentiment theory is suitable for domestic market.
Based on the practice situation of China stock market and the closed-end fund, the investor sentiment theory is suitable for domestic market.