That was by no means the end of the matter.
"He's moving in here," Maria said. "So that's the end of the matter."
That was the end of the matter.
But that is unlikely to be the end of the matter.
But that was not the end of the matter for Dean Griswold.
However, good content is nowhere near the end of the matter.
Stories were entertainment, and that was the end of the matter.
Even if a budget is signed it will not be the end of the matter.
In many drug approval proceedings, that would be the end of the matter.
This need not be the end of the matter, said Lord Walker, one of the judges.
Sir Alex Ferguson said this week it was "the end of the matter." is this true?
But that is not the end of the matter. In 2010 the G20 will face a new challenger-the G2.
While this shift will address the problems associated with multiple births, it's not the end of the matter.
I shall offer to pay him tomorrow; he will rant and storm about his love for you, and there will be an end of the matter.
Time flies too fast, a blink of an eye for more than a month's holiday back looked like the end of the matter yesterday.
Unlike other engineering prizes (for example, the X Prize for lunar exploration), an award of the Methuselah mouse prize is not the end of the matter.
I think no matter what diets we follow or what slimming products we obsess ourselves with, at the end of the day there's no magic trick to shape up for the summer.
No matter how preposterous the rule, it stays and stays, regardless of whether it works to accomplish its end.
No matter who you are, where you are, at the end of today's program, I wish every one of us is learning to be stronger.
When you get to the end of your life, what will truly matter to you?
When you reach the end of your life, will it matter to you how many bills you paid to buy all that stuff crammed in your closets?
No matter that they may be from the seamier end of pop culture, or the more obvious and clumping of genres.
At the end of the day, it is probably more a matter of taste, and long time Groovy users usually prefer the most concise syntax with the for / in loop instead.
He would have put it differently, called it ‘reaching the end of the line, ’ for example, because he didn’t like big words, or, for that matter, words.
Directly Tess was out of sight, and the interest of the matter as a drama was at an end, the little ones' eyes filled with tears.
At the end of the affair, that is what will matter most.
If by the end of the first year you still don't see any sign of a tooth, bring the matter up at your child's 12-month checkup.
If by the end of the first year you still don't see any sign of a tooth, bring the matter up at your child's 12-month checkup.