You mention that name and I end the matter instantly, by a spring from the window!
On Friday morning Dave Richards, the League's chairman, agreed a proposal with the club that will end the matter if it is sanctioned by the Premier League board when it sits tomorrow.
"He's moving in here," Maria said. "So that's the end of the matter."
That was by no means the end of the matter.
I think no matter what diets we follow or what slimming products we obsess ourselves with, at the end of the day there's no magic trick to shape up for the summer.
If you have strong and healthy good habits, it doesn't matter whether you fail or not today, because you are sure to succeed in the end.
No matter how many difficulties we have, I believe all the problems can be solved in the end.
In the end a guard arrived in his car, and the lion just got off our car and started smelling the guard's hand as if nothing was the matter.
I shall offer to pay him tomorrow; he will rant and storm about his love for you, and there will be an end of the matter.
When you reach the end of your life, will it matter to you how many bills you paid to buy all that stuff crammed in your closets?
At the end of the day, it is probably more a matter of taste, and long time Groovy users usually prefer the most concise syntax with the for / in loop instead.
He would have put it differently, called it ‘reaching the end of the line, ’ for example, because he didn’t like big words, or, for that matter, words.
At the end of the affair, that is what will matter most.
Directly Tess was out of sight, and the interest of the matter as a drama was at an end, the little ones' eyes filled with tears.
In many drug approval proceedings, that would be the end of the matter.
You can "set priorities" and "get organized" but in the end, no matter how sophisticated your lists are, you'll still need the courage to act on what matters.
We can fuss and fret and shuttle and shelter, but in the end, what we do may not matter as much as we think.
Whateveryou create, you want it first of all to be worth your effort; even if you haveonly a few readers or viewers, you are the person whose critiques matter mostin the end.
Once enough time has passed, however, all of the matter around will end up being sucked into black holes.
We're nearing the end of our journey through these files and have come to the crux of the matter.
If by the end of the first year you still don't see any sign of a tooth, bring the matter up at your child's 12-month checkup.
When you get to the end of your life, what will truly matter to you?
This need not be the end of the matter, said Lord Walker, one of the judges.
That was the end of the matter.
At the end of the day, people are the only thing that matter.
Given the number of contradictory rulings by the courts, the matter is bound to end up, sooner or later, in the Supreme court.
Given the number of contradictory rulings by the courts, the matter is bound to end up, sooner or later, in the Supreme court.