I must confess that because of my lack in wisdom some lives were not released on time and ended up to die, and others were picked up by people after the tide ebbs.
The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the six states of the region.
I ended up moving up to Boston working for the world's largest global law firm.
The palimpsest then went through some more tough times, but eventually it ended up in an art auction where was bought and then donated to an art museum in Baltimore, for conservation and study.
The test process went on much longer than expected and we ended up having to put the product on the market with known bugs in it, which was obviously not ideal.
To be fair, if Rodriguez had wanted feedback from some more technophobic seniors, he might have ended up in the wrong Brookdale community.
I was talking to one of my colleagues in the physics department the other day, and we ended up discussing how one discovery can change everything.
He was perhaps a better thinker than he was an official and he ended up having to leave the state of Lu.
She bent down to kiss the frog, but ended up kissing a prince.
Every time she went to see that movie, she ended up crying her eyes out.
At first it was fun, but we ended up playing those games for about 30 hours, stopping only to eat and sleep!
“Well, you know, ” Elgie began, “one time when Magpie and me were hiding out after that Custer thing, we ended up on to Augustana College Campus.
I ended up working so hard to pay for the stuff that I didn't have time to meet girls.
He stopped to ask if they needed any help, and ended up driving them back to his house, where they dried off and had dinner with him and his wife.
But all 40 of them "said they ended up being better people," thanks to their kids, he says.
After class that Wednesday, Madeleine and Leonard had ended up walking together to the Blue Room, the campus coffee shop.
Unsuccessful, even for the price of a drink, he ended up selling it to the owner of a market stall who tucked it away with other second-hand items where it faded, slowly, into obscurity.
Many became disoriented and panicked, and some were mixed in with immigrants going the other way across the Rio Grande and ended up swimming to the wrong country.
One night he helped me replace my strings and we ended up listening to a recording of some music he'd created for a project.
Their initial trip from South Carolina to Belgium ended up being from Florida to Italy.
But we don't think that is the main reason why they ended up going to university and securing good jobs.
I ended up having to visit three toy stores to round-up 1000 marbles.
I do know that we ended up retreating to Bad Gandersheim, in the Harz Mountains, where we stayed with a distant cousin.
But by holding fast to the dollar, Germany ended up importing America's laxity.
I moved to Montreal. I ended up in Toronto.
Two ended up dying, and hundreds were exposed to various levels of radiation.
The Senate's bill, designed to please all sides, ended up pleasing no one.
Of American children with the highest test scores in eighth grade, only 29% of those from low-income families ended up going to college, compared with 74% of those from high-income families.
I am not certain I would have found the courage to have defied my father - who, when faced with my certainty ended up offering to pay for my plane ticket - were it not for having seen the film.
I am not certain I would have found the courage to have defied my father - who, when faced with my certainty ended up offering to pay for my plane ticket - were it not for having seen the film.