This paper analyses the physical sence of effective mass of energy band electron and also discusses its tensor.
The extra electron fills up the lower-energy state in the conduction band, causing excited electrons to, effectively, spill over into the higher-energy, photon-emitting state.
The metal photonic band gap structure has potentialities in the areas of high-energy accelerators, microwave vacuum electron devices, and terahertz radiation sources etc.
The preparation, purification, structural simulation, energy band calculation and electron-emission calculation of carbon nanotubes are studied principally in this paper.
Gold and it's alloy have a long history of being used as a kind of jewelry materials. The inbeing of the color is the electron transition in energy band.
UV is an electromagnetic wave, the electron atoms jump from the high-energy bands at low energy band, will release excess energy in electromagnetic waves.
UV is an electromagnetic wave, the electron atoms jump from the high-energy bands at low energy band, will release excess energy in electromagnetic waves.