Presents integrated management of engineering construction and production preparation of the second stage chemical fertilizer project of Fudao chemical co., as well as the execution efficacy.
'Progress' in modern project management is an integrated indicator combining systematically the engineering task, time limit, cost and resources and showing overall the construction status.
Firstly, cost, quality and schedule which are the main factors of engineering project management is integrated as a whole. The base of integrated management of total factors is established.
As project management was a important area of modern management system, it has integrated the region of manufacturing and engineering and construction in China.
The company has been under one room four books management system, namely the planar integrated office, the ministry of finance, the various project, engineering and joint etc.
To ensure erp's successful implementation, the enterprise must establish integrated engineering project management system and running mechanism from the point of view of system eng...
Through these analyses, we can get the integrated system of owner's risk management of large mechanical and electrical engineering project.
Project budget course is a core course of engineering management specialty, the course has the wide coverage theory, closely integrated with engineering application, but has a few class time.
Project budget course is a core course of engineering management specialty, the course has the wide coverage theory, closely integrated with engineering application, but has a few class time.