All worktops should be wide enough to allow plenty of space for food preparation.
Self-confidence means being relaxed enough to allow your lover their personal space.
The right level of background noise may interrupt our normal patterns of thinking just enough to allow our imaginations to wander, without making it impossible to focus.
The density of the gases are low enough to allow convective currents to develop.
Love them enough to allow them to experience the consequences of their actions.
The best answer is to disclose enough to allow investors to form their own views.
Capillaries are only wide enough to allow red blood cells to pass through one at a time.
This occurs because the nasal passages are not long enough to allow proper cooling of the air.
The utility is also flexible enough to allow each developer to have their own preferences.
JAXB is robust enough to allow you to name anonymous types as you need to via the binding file.
Does he believe China will suddenly revalue enough to allow European producers to compete on price?
Very few projects are agile enough to allow for both sufficient time and resources to get the job done.
But there is one reason to be optimistic: America's market remains open enough to allow for new entrants.
"This planet might even support a complex chemistry rich enough to allow life to evolve", says Dokuchaev.
Ideally, the machine's design would be clear enough to allow users to figure out where to put those parts.
What if pure polymorphism just isn't enough to allow for all the possible variations coming up in the future?
In Listing 3, I make Selenium wait 10 seconds — long enough to allow the form-submit request to finish processing.
That is short enough to kill parasite-infected insects before they become infectious, but long enough to allow them to breed.
First is free flow in which the density of traffic is low enough to allow vehicles to travel at the maximum speed allowed.
They need to be tight enough to protect users and discourage money laundering, but open enough to allow new services to emerge.
The iWidget format, though, is flexible enough to allow you to display any content that can be found on a standard Web page.
Never before had she felt safe enough to allow such feelings and now that she had she didn't think she would ever stop feeling sad.
If any water falls onto the surface of your jam, the sugar concentration at that spot might become low enough to allow mold to grow.
Never before had she felt safe enough to allow such feelings and now that she had, she didn't think she would ever stop feeling sad.
Neither of Greece's two paymasters, the Europeans and the IMF, are considering withholding cash long enough to allow a chaotic default.
Ardi's feet were rigid enough to allow her to walk upright some of the time, but she still had a grasping big toe for use in climbing trees.
His hands were shaking with excitement as he widened the ring even more, making it big enough to allow his shoulders to pass through it.
His hands were shaking with excitement as he widened the ring even more, making it big enough to allow his shoulders to pass through it.