However, with continuous integration, you can view every failure as a success, because it will have exposed a potential problem — and early enough to do something about it!
然而,有了持续集成,你可以将每次失败都看作一个成功,因为它将暴露一个潜在的问题——并且足够早地对该问题做些事情! !
My password became the indicator. My password reminded me that I shouldn't let myself be a victim of my recent breakup and that I was strong enough to do something about it.
我的密码变成了指令员, 它提醒我不能让我自己成为最近崩溃状态的受害者,并且我是足够强大来解决它们的。
I'll never repeat this one enough, getting out of your regular stuff is something you MUST be able to do by yourself.
If something comes up - and it inevitably does - then you still have enough (time) capacity to handle it and complete what you set out to do.
Essentially, they add up to something that we don't do enough of today: critical thinking.
If you want something bad enough and are willing to do anything it takes to get it, there is NOTHING that can stop you.
It requires great discipline to do test first development or to do just enough work and then to move on and do something else, and to stay focused on high-value activities.
At around 200 pages, it is concise enough to read cover to cover - something I rarely do with tech books, often preferring to use the longer ones as a reference.
For a man, being afraid of something is reason enough to do it.
The tradition gradually became something people could do on their own; these days, just saying "fingers crossed" is enough to get the message, well, across.
If you are fortunate enough to live in a developed country then you need to avoid plans 1 to 7 above and then maybe do something to help those caught in number 8.
如果你足够幸运,生活在一个发达国家,那么你得做好计划,避免以上的1 -7点,然后有可能的话,帮助那些陷入第8点的人。
It's no longer enough for users to passively read text or look at images; they have to do something to progress their experience.
It's not enough to show that your system can do something once.
This advance warning gave the defenders enough time to do something about the tunnel before it was completed.
Mr Ferris is wise enough not to teach a lesson. Rather, he has teased ordinary circumstances into something extraordinary, which is exactly what we want our fiction writers to do.
Asking for help is not something to be ashamed of - you simply admit that you do not know something well enough as of yet, but that you are willing to learn it and grow as a person!
Have you ever really wanted to do something, but you just weren’t motivated enough to do it?
Similarly, your project doesn't have enough time to do something right, so you hack a just-in-time solution and hope to use some future time to come back and retrofit it.
类似地,您的项目现在没有足够的时间处理一些事情,那么您可以采用即时(just - in -time)解决方案,使用未来的时间来改进它。
And if you do that, you will have enough to pay for something better.
'When you know that in the past you've had enough good ideas to make things work, you're more prepared to make cuts, because you're prepared to believe you can actually do something better than that.'
Thus, this experience made me understand a truth, anyone who wants to do something, just enthusiasm and love were not enough, he also needs really serious work.
The best you can do is ship something decent enough to be usable, then observe what happens after your game is in the wild.
He'll shout at me if I do something wrong, so I should be careful enough not to annoy him.
Do you think it is enough to draw something or is it important that things actually get build at some point?
Do you think it is enough to draw something or is it important that things actually get build at some point?