Entity Data Model: Inheritance.
Creating and Consuming an Entity Data model.
For more information, see Entity Data Model.
NET Entity Data Model Designer and its components.
NET Entity Data Model, most of the classes go away.
NET Entity Data Model, item template to your project.
NET Entity Data Model Designer in common application scenarios.
Describes how to complete common tasks with the Entity Data Model tools.
Provides information and links to the Entity Data Model Tools documentation.
Provides information about extending the functionality of the Entity Data Model Tools.
Entity data model Wizard to connect to a database and specify the contents of the model.
Entity Data Model Wizard, you must specify a connection to the database you want to use.
实体资料模型精灵] 中的步骤,连接至资料库并指定模型内容。
Use the Entity Data Model wizard to generate an Entity Data Model (EDM) from IBM data servers.
使用Entity Data Model向导从IBM数据服务器生成一个实体数据模型。
Provides step by step details for displaying data in an Entity Data Model in a WPF application.
提供有关在WPF 应用程序中显示实体数据模型中的数据的分步详细说明。
Data Sources window to the designer to create controls that are bound to the Entity Data Model.
The Entity Framework supports the Entity Data Model (EDM) for defining data at the conceptual level.
实体框架支持用于在概念级别定义数据的 实体数据模型 (EDM)。
Visual Studio 2010 has to ability to generate a DDL and create a database to store the entity data model.
VisualStudio 2010可以生成ddl并创建数据库来存储实体数据模型。
The entity type is the fundamental building block for describing the structure of data with the entity data Model.
The Entity Data Model Wizard allows you to create a model from an existing database, or to generate an empty model.
The Entity Data Model (EDM) is a set of concepts that describe the structure of data, regardless of its stored form.
实体数据模型 (EDM)是一组描述数据结构(而不管其存储形式如何)的概念。
NET Entity Data Model so that I can use Stored Procedures as reverse engineer code first didn't provide the use of sprocs.
Update Model Wizard (Entity Data Model Tools) to update model and mapping information when the underlying database changes.
If the database has a table without a primary key, the entity data Model tools try to infer a key for the corresponding entity.
CSDL represents application data as a set of entities and relationships in a conceptual model, and it is an implementation of Entity data model.
The Entity Data Model Wizard lets you generate a conceptual model from an existing database and adds database connection information to your application.
How to: Use a Model Defined in a class library (Entity Data Model Tools) for the class library project, and reference the class library project in your ASP.
The Entity data model Wizard allows you to generate a conceptual model from an existing database and adds database connection information to your application.
Generate database Wizard (Entity data model Tools) to automatically generate the storage model, mappings, data classes, and a database that supports the conceptual model.
However, you can still create data-bound controls by adding a new object data source that is based on the Entity data Model, and then dragging those objects to the designer.