In addition to being able to customize the entry page to the application, administrators can extend the application with custom attributes on both business categories and business terms.
The dimension tables describe each analysis entry in the fact table: the actual date, the keyword values and categories as well as corresponding document title and content.
An entry is a uniquely identified, time-stamped resource with metadata such as title, summary, and categories.
These categories overlap some, but each stands as a different kind of barrier to entry.
With categories playing such a significant role in AtomServer, one of the first features we prioritized was the ability to "auto tag" an Entry.
This entry contains a list of all providers, categories, and rules that were defined in the analysis launch configuration, as well as a list of selected resources that were analyzed.
Using the blog post example, you might store the list of categories in an entry with the key category-list.
以blogpost为例,可以在一个具有键category -list的项中存储类别列表。
All entries can be broken down into two categories: fixed length and extendable. The information stored in three of the columns is different for the two types of entry.
Then it uses the information to generate three entry elements (one each for the expense, tax, and asset categories), each of which has detail, account, and amount children.
然后它使用此信息生成三个entry元素(分别对应于支出、税以及资产三个类别),其中每个元素具有detail、 account和amount子元素。
This EntryAutoTagger is easily configured to generate Categories for an Entry based on executing XPath expressions against its content XML.
In the second, final judging stage, the jury as a whole will meet in their teams to review the supplementary entry materials sent in by the Finalists in their categories.
Before you log in to pload your entry, be sure to review categories and sub-categories and choose the most appropriate for your entry.
The way in which various dictionaries treat entry homographs words same in spelling but different in souse fall into three categories:1.
The way in which various dictionaries treat entry homographs words same in spelling but different in souse fall into three categories:1.