You could nest an enumerations data set everywhere you use that enumeration value, but that would create an excessive number of tables on the report and increase its loading time.
When the data set is fully populated and the object is created, you can use it to look up the labels for each value in the enumeration.
It is created based on data such as Boolean, Integer, Text, or Enumeration of values.
Some data elements are meant to have a set of constrained values (enumeration types as programmers would call them).
Create a data set for the enumeration values, such as the example with the severity enumeration above.
This extensive enumeration is not a complete illustration of all the sources in Windows Vista that Microsoft USES to gather end user data.
This class must have a single public property called Value of the same data type as the Const variables you created for this enumeration in step 2.
Represented by the DataControlRowType enumeration, the type of the row indicates the position and the role (for example, footer, header, pager, and data row).
Create a global list with a data type equal to the enumeration name and with a name of Enum_ followed by the enumeration name (in our case, Enum_BookType).
创建一个全局列表,使其数据类型等同于枚举名称,且名称以enum _开头,后接枚举名称(在本例中为Enum_BookType)。
To make this code-writing process easier, try the Domino enumeration code Generator page, which allows you to enter an enumeration name, a data type, and all the values you want to use.
As with the severity enumeration described in the previous section, it would be more convenient to have the state group and state name information in the same data set as the work item information.
One of the most unique things about JumpShip is the inclusion of a standard data model that gives you search, sort, data traversal and enumeration automatically.
Using the Preview tab, make sure that it shows the data for the enumeration that you are interested in.
使用Preview 项,确定它为您所感兴趣的枚举显示了数据。
Specifies raster font enumeration data.
Among these three categories a possible common subtree algorithm is presented based on the enumeration tree technique of data mining domain.
As an important means of data quality evaluation, The Post Enumeration Survey is widely applied in estimating data quality of census in many countries.
Composed of those categorical variables, the enumeration data had to be correspondingly analyzed with special statistical methods on the ground of their design methods.
The data-transmission module use FIFO as its data source or sink and the bus-enumeration module depends on ROM, which can be configured before synthesis.
As an important means of evaluation of data quality, post enumeration survey is widely applied in estimating data quality of census in many countries.
If the list is exclusive, such as in an enumeration data type, then no other values are valid.
Post-Enumeration Survey can not be begun until the census ends. The post enumeration is designed to provide the basic data for adjustment.
Post-Enumeration Survey can not be begun until the census ends. The post enumeration is designed to provide the basic data for adjustment.