Chen's film, "the Promise" damaged the environment near a pristine lake shore in Shangri-la in southwest Yunnan Province, according to the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA).
Although most common in the moist environment of the rainforest, Red Crabs live in a variety of habitats including coastal shore terraces, and even domestic gardens.
No damaging behavior to the environment, no smoking in the fire hassle areas (Signs or instructions will be provided), no swimming along the lake shore.
Suffering in the environment and climate on food, clothing, on the shore of the Yellow film, hard, barren places, have not even a bird.
In conducting coastal open air placer mining or shore-based well drilling to exploit seabed mineral resources, effective measures must be taken to prevent pollution to the Marine environment.
To carry out the combats in the complicated near-shore environment is one of the important missions that the naval ships must undertake in the future.
To carry out the combats in the complicated near-shore environment is one of the important missions that the naval ships must undertake in the future.