The paper also introduces the functions and running environment of the system?
Finally test environment of the system is constructed and functions of IP forwarding system are verified.
According to the complicated environment of the system working site, have proposed having hardware implementing scheme of stronger anti-interference ability and software design.
The most common partitioned environment consists of a single database partition on each physical system that makes up the database partition cluster.
This creates a very secure environment in which an application cannot access parts of the system for which it is not given permission.
If the control system specifies an act that changes the environment, the sensors can validate this change, feeding back the new state of the environment to the control system.
Use case diagrams are constructs that model the main functions of a system, and identify initial interactions between the system and its environment.
In a multiprocessing environment, the processing time for a thread is related to the availability of system resources and synchronization with other threads.
Although, ideally, all the artifacts are backed up sufficiently outside your production environment, you might need to back-publish for disaster recovery of the authoring system.
Normally production environment teams maintain an audit log of the system and of changes are made by different users.
In this case, even the data representation used in the message matches that of the system and programming environment of the service provider.
Understand the workings of the system in its intended environment.
One challenge that faces LAMP administrators is that of providing all the features of a full PHP installation while ensuring a secure environment for all users of the system.
This scenario involves creating a copy of the AIX operating system environment to be used at a later time for recovery.
The list depends both on your PATH environment variable and the contents of your UNIX system.
此列表取决于PATH环境变量和您的UNIX系统的内容) 。
The mechanism for these risks appears to lie in the biology of the stress-response system and in the way environment affects a person's genetic activity.
The usability view considers the usability aspects of the system and its environment.
Another aspect of security that is sometimes overlooked is the concept of hardening, or locking down, the system and the portal environment.
Therefore, FRA proposes to handle these anomalies on a case by case basis fully considering the environment and the attributes of the system.
The true core of a real-time environment is that the system will guarantee to perform some task within a pre-defined time so that the system's behaviour becomes fully deterministic.
In this environment, the system user asserts the identity of the end user in a per transaction basis.
Use the migration of a system test environment to learn the ropes and make mistakes.
Once the product is installed, it will add a set of configurations in the system environment.
Of course, as for any requirement, the first source of specifications for the production environment of a new system is the business intent. Specifically.
In this article, we concentrate on those NFRs that are directly related to the production environment of the new system and to the set of processes that support its operations.
Try ps -Aeww, for example, to see the complete command line and environment of every process on the system.
可以尝试使用ps -Aeww,例如,查看完整的命令行和系统中每个进程的环境。
The configuration data of your system describes the WebSphere environment.
The Business performance view considers the performance aspects of the system and its environment.
StrExecutionEnvironment indicates the operating system and architecture of the execution environment (for example, "Windows XP [x86]").
strExecutionEnvironment表示执行环境的操作系统和架构(例如,“WindowsXP [x 86] ”)。
The messaging system in Erlang is another built-in part of the Erlang execution environment and works in combination with the process system to allow for the efficient exchange of data and messages.