The environmental performance criteria in IEEE 1680.1 cover design, production, use and recycling for computer and display products.
IEEE - 1680.1对环保成效的要求涵盖了计算机和显示器产品的设计、生产、使用和回收利用等环节。
These ways are not isolated mutually but associated and supplemented mutually, in which the main point is to satisfy the environmental criteria of product design.
Takes the design of wood - based panel furniture as example, states that the problems should be noticed in design of environmental protection and design criteria of panel furniture.
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building rating tools were compared with the results and found to be much stronger on environmental criteria than social concerns.
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building rating tools were compared with the results and found to be much stronger on environmental criteria than social concerns.