What is certain is that the environmental impact of information technology as a whole is considerable and ever rising.
At the same time, China should join sector liberalization agreements in chemicals, information technology hardware, and environmental goods.
By investigating the technology of environmental monitoring information transmission and expression in Hubei province, the paper analyzed the existed problems.
Making use of the computer technology and geographical information system technique, we can promote the level of city environmental protection programming and management.
So how to use modern information technology will make environmental monitoring, saving is now effectively problem to be solved.
The next topic the information paper covers is the role that information and communication technology plays in environmental scanning and benchmarking.
Pollutants registration system is one of basic works in environmental management field and needs technological support of modern information technology.
Wang ZQ. Reflections on the optimization of environmental engineering microbiology[J]. China Science and Technology Information 2013(18) : 38.
(inChinese) 王忠全。关于《环境工程微生物学》优化的思考[J]。中国科技信息 2013(18) : 38。
The main problems to realize the main functions of the environmental protection information system by means of computer technology are: (1) efficient management for system;
There are lots of opportunities for creative industry, information and communications technology industry, finance service industry and environmental protection industry in London.
Making full use of a large number of sensing devices to capture contextual information and supplying environmental context services is the core technology of CPS.
Making full use of a large number of sensing devices to capture contextual information and supplying environmental context services is the core technology of CPS.