Effective design and craft technology can improve significantly the environmental suitability of pro - duct.
The company is small, but still need to complete business facilities, to discuss environmental suitability requirements.
The environmental suitability is one of the most important quality characteristics of the electronic information product.
Expended polypropylene (EPP) has become an ideal foaming material choice due to its good thermal stability, high mechanical strength, and degradable environmental suitability.
By quantitatively calculating suitability of variety characters to environmental conditions and production requirements, a knowledge model for variety selection was established.
In construction projects, when the construction is completed, it would be very difficult to resist the environmental impacts or to improve the character of suitability.
The definition of the product of this kind, its film structure, composition, suitability and environmental issue are discussed in this article and author's opinions are al so put forward.
The preparation method has the advantages of low cost, simple operation, safety, environmental protection, and suitability for the industrial application.
本发明提供的方法成 本低、操作简单,安全环保,易于工业化应用。
The preparation method has the advantages of low cost, simple operation, safety, environmental protection, and suitability for the industrial application.
本发明提供的方法成 本低、操作简单,安全环保,易于工业化应用。