Gaddafi's 'system' as envisaged in the Green book.
And they would certainly be a less extreme solution than the general debt cancellation envisaged in the Old Testament.
The panel urged that the tests be repeated, since unemployment is expected to exceed the level envisaged in the worst-case scenario.
This kind of relation between earthquakes and deep geological structure as well as features of geophysical fields must be envisaged in the earthquakes prediction and in searching for their origin.
It is envisaged that the talks will take place in the spring.
However, the way that it progresses may not be exactly how they envisaged in 2001.
Of course, if the soul have a seat, it is in space and sensuously envisaged.
There was some irony in this as early plans for the 8th Air Force had envisaged the need for an escort, albeit with short-range Spitfires.
The architecture description includes the rationale behind choices, the alternatives envisaged, as well as a record of how each requirement is addressed in the architecture.
The team thought that the base classes would prove useful at a later point in the project when dynamic management of interceptors was envisaged, potentially with a component configurator.
For another, progress in cutting the deficit in 2010 was slower than envisaged.
But American plans for a major war to, say, defend South Korea have in the past envisaged dispatching 20 or 21 brigades, notes the CBO.
A parallel process under which large parts of the police and the armed forces, apart from those with serious blood on their hands, will be retained is already envisaged in plans made by the NTC.
The latest projection shows that a 65-year-old woman in 2030 can expect to live until she is almost 91; the earlier one used by the commission envisaged this happening in 2050.
The pretty new sports car envisaged now, codenamed P11, will be virtually a mass-market offering, in supercar terms.
迈凯轮的新车代号为P 11,将以超级跑车的名义针对大众市场销售。
The adverse scenario for card losses envisaged in American banks’ stress tests, a cumulative two-year loss rate of 22.5%, looks increasingly like the base case to others.
Forecasts vary, but sometime in the decade after 2014-rather sooner than Goldman Sachs envisaged-brazil is likely to become the world's fifth-largest economy, overtaking Britain and France.
The national space program has always envisaged cosmonautics as being used not only in the interests of our country, but in those of all mankind.
A "Doomsday" budget, unveiled in November, envisaged cutting services and staff as well as increasing fares by up to 30%, by June 2009, to close the deficit gap.
After all, if the technology had been as compelling as was originally envisaged, it is unlikely that customers would have dropped it in favor of alternatives.
Forget the mistakes of the past, it is envisaged that in future how to achieve greater success.
However, to show the overall sequence of events in a visual form, let us look at the flow chart which shows the coordinated flow of events which we have envisaged in a typical DBO project.
With analyzing the problems existing in shafts of our country, a kind of round externa combustion pellet roasting shaft is envisaged and its structural characteristics and merits are introduced.
The Nelson Mandela Childrens' fund will be funding pilot projects, envisaged for implementation in 1998, to empower parents and care givers of children with disabilities.
The project envisaged a two-year stint in the economic workhouse as GDP fell and Greece regained lost competitiveness.
The national space program has always envisaged cosmonautics as being used not only in the interests of our country but in those of all mankind.
The national space program has always envisaged cosmonautics as being used not only in the interests of our country but in those of all mankind.