It is difficult to envision him being as successful in the merciless Manchester United system.
Further, he said, it suggests that the early solar system, full of the debris that coalesced to form the planets, may have looked very different than how we currently envision it.
I envision a nationally based health care system that is far more affordable, convenient, efficacious and cost effective than our present system.
These people could envision the final system from the outset of a project.
Amazon also offers an excellent recommendation system, and I can envision some users opting for the Kindle application on their fancy new iPads.
But the rise of robotics has allowed Wiley to envision the robot crane moving around on payload cables separate from the stationary balloon and its anchor cable system.
But the rise of robotics has allowed Wiley to envision the robot crane moving around on payload cables separate from the stationary balloon and its anchor cable system.