The Jack Hills zircon led to something of a revolution in our understanding of the Hadean eon.
Agree eon retreat signal and report.
It is illegal to smoke eon airplanes.
This is something for investors to keep an eon.
Sunrise eon the eastern coast is a special event.
Come eon. I know Anna's there. Let me talk to her.
Compromise eon any friendship are not strong foundation.
Quality products, perfect service is the highest in China EON pursuit!
That may not seem like very long ago, but in Internet time it's an eon.
The galaxy's most lucrative Eon Crystals are epidemically being smuggled.
Chance eon hit to pull in enemies toward your target and Slow them by (60-80) %.
击中时有机会将其他敌人拉向你的目标,并使其移动速度降低! (60- 80)%。
People eon Facebook shared their own stories of loss and commended the bride for her brave idea.
That history began with the origin of the primitive, unicellular aquatic algae of the Precambrian Eon.
Yous e ee, I'm afraid we don't take any n ewspap er in our house, so none of us ev en know that Napol eon was ill.
This is the philosophy of the most noble of a proposition, who can Zen Wu, who will become the flame of EON unbeaten.
Everyone eon this planet — including yourself — is deserving of love. And everyone on this planet is deserving of your love.
The Proterozoic climate was still warm and wet, but compared with that of the Archaeozoic Eon, the temperature fell a little.
Across from a bustling Statoil gas station is a modest new commercial biogas pumping station owned by the renewables company Eon Energy.
在繁忙的挪威石油公司加油站对面是建成不久的、可再生资源公司Eon Energy旗下的商用沼气开采站。
Once players have downloaded the EON ticket they'll be able to share it with around 100 of their friends using a link cable, if they wish.
Then humans, the wretched descendents of Adams as the scripture tells within the eon, have been meditating such questions as why creatures exist.
People eon Wall Street found that difficult to say -Federal National Mortgage Corporation- so they nicknamed it Fannie Mae; it sounds like a woman's name.
Somewhere eon Earth is a series of documentary films whose aim is to shine the spotlight on some of the few places on earth where nature and man exist in harmony.
地球最后的净土是一系列纪录片,其目的是聚焦地球上少数一些人和自然和谐相处的地方。 。
Discordances existed between Fangniushan quartzite series and underlying Archean Eon metamorphic granite series, and overlying the Mesoproterozoic Era Xionger Group.
Those eon lower income made eye contact with the person they were talking with and nod their heads more frequently signaling they were interested in what was being said.
而那些收入较少的人则与他们的交谈对象有更多的眼神交流,也会更频繁地点头示意他们对所谈论的事情感兴趣。 。
"It is hard to tell if a woman is pregnant, and give up a seat, when she doesn't have a baby bump," said Lee Gyeong-eon, a 23-year-old college student who frequently travels by subway.
“孕妇没有显怀时,人们很难辨别她是否怀孕,因此也难以决定是否应该让座,”一名经常乘坐地铁的23岁大学生LeeGyeong - eon说道。
"It is hard to tell if a woman is pregnant, and give up a seat, when she doesn't have a baby bump," said Lee Gyeong-eon, a 23-year-old college student who frequently travels by subway.
“孕妇没有显怀时,人们很难辨别她是否怀孕,因此也难以决定是否应该让座,”一名经常乘坐地铁的23岁大学生LeeGyeong - eon说道。