Polyamine - epoxy adduct is used as waterborne epoxy hardener generally.
Curing agent named Hardener NP was synthesized in laboratory, it was suitable for curing epoxy resins as well as phenolic resins, with higher reactive rate.
Copper conductive adhesives were prepared using epoxy as matrix, the mixture ofm-phenylenediamine and diaminodiphenylmethane as hardener, and copper particles as the con-ducting filler.
Formulated white pigmented epoxy resin used in combination with hardener K-92 for solvent fee, room temperature curing chemical resistant linings.
白色涂料聚合树脂,与K- 92固化剂组合,用于无溶剂室温固化抗化学腐蚀内衬。
This paper introduced detailed two kinds of hardener of epoxy resin.
By use of two-step process, an epoxy resin and hardener for heavy duty powder coatings have been developed, the main technical specifications reached the similar standard of products abroad.
The influence of the ratio of polysulfide rubber and epoxy resin, and amount of hardener on the properties of coating film are discussed.
With hardener K-35 forms heat curing epoxy adhesive characterized by outstanding mechanical strength even at 120 deg c.
与K - 35固化剂组合,形成热固化胶粘剂,即使120度也能保持很高的机械强度。
Copper conductive adhesives were prepared using epoxy as matrix, the mixture ofm-phenylenediamine and diaminodiphenylmethane as hardener, and copper particles as the conducting filler.
Copper conductive adhesives were prepared using epoxy as matrix, the mixture ofm-phenylenediamine and diaminodiphenylmethane as hardener, and copper particles as the conducting filler.