The general material balance equation was applied widely in the field, but few studies about material balance equation of gas injection flooding has been conducted.
When calculating with material balance equation, the accuracy of the calculation result is often affected by the error of PVT parameters.
Large deviation will appear if material balance equation of the gas reservoir for calculating OIP is used directly in this production scheme.
On the basis of the material balance equation, this paper develops a method to predict the formation pressure using cumulative production data for normal pressure confined gas reservoir.
The material balance equation for gas reservoir has been used to determine reserves and OGIP of gas reservoir, judge its driving type and predict its production performance.
How to calculate the water invasion rate correctly while we study the performance and calculate the dynamic reserves of the gas reservoir with material balance equation is still a difficulty for long.
Material balance equation of gas reservoir is an important method in gas reservoir engineering.
Moreover, whether the porous media interfacial phenomena can affect the material balance equation calculation of condensate gas reservoir?
This article is based on the material balance equation and the no fixed water inroad equation, educe the equation of the no water recovery and the water coming time.
Material balance equation of gas reservoirs is an important tool in gas reservoir engineering. It can be used to determine the original gas-in-place of the gas reservoirs.
Condensate gas reservoir is a special kind of reservoir and its material balance equation is greatly different from that of conventional gas reservoir.
Condensate gas reservoir is a special kind of reservoir and its material balance equation is greatly different from that of conventional gas reservoir.