The characteristic parameters of the equivalent circuit diagram are calculated according to the reduction to the secordary.
For maximum exceed noise ratio generated, circuit structure to match the equivalent circuit diagram of the solid-state noise diode in avalanche breakdown state has been designed.
According to the actual conditions on the test field an equivalent circuit diagram in the actual test has been given, from which a calculation formula for the actual quality factors is derived.
The key to power distribution system is to ignore transient process in this sub-system and to draw the network equivalent circuit diagram, therefore its node voltage equation is algebraic equation.
The equivalent circuit, the phase diagram as well as the torque-speed characteristic in the braking state are obtained.
The device parameter as well as resonance frequency, mechanical quality factor and work band width were determined by the equivalent circuit input impedance admittance circle diagram.
In this paper, two methods of analysis, the block diagram method and the equivalent circuit method, have been introduced simultaneously with specific examples of three negative feedback types.
In this paper, two methods of analysis, the block diagram method and the equivalent circuit method, have been introduced simultaneously with specific examples of three negative feedback types.