Specifically, Oracle returned an error XAER_RMERR, error code number 65535.
Instead of human being's counting error, which only results one or two counting error in number, an error in the program code could cause tramendous error in number.
This is a way to display error messages or diagnostics; the code has a number of examples of diagnostic messages sent to this stream, many of them commented out in the release.
res is the usual result of an I/O operation: the number of bytes transfered, or a negative error code.
Error number. A code to identify the error.
Error number,识别错误的代码。
The response contains a Status reporting either success (code 200) or one of a number of error codes (see Resources for a link to a table of error codes on the Geocoder service page).
响应包含一个Status,报告成功(代码 200)或错误代码之一 (参见参考资料 获得 Geocoder服务页面的错误代码表链接)。
When the code is compiled or interpreted, your "0.1" is already rounded to the nearest number in that format, which results in a small rounding error even before the calculation happens.
The error code can be determined from the frequency and number of blinks.
The error code is a unique number that is assigned to represent the exception.
The trueimage interpreter was unable to reset page-level information suchas paper size or number of copies . the job printing may not be correct. the error code returned from the system was% 1.
And other similar error checking code, Hamming code also makes use of the concept of parity, data bits followed by an increase in the number of bits, can verify the validity of data.
The battery-backup cache device, replacement part number (FRU) 90P5245, is defective: controller 1, Error code: 31
电池备份缓存有故障,更换备件号(FRU) 90P5245,控制器1,错误代码:31。
The battery-backup cache device, FRU part number 90P5245, needs a new battery: controller 1, Error code: 10
电池备份缓存设备需更换新电池,备件号(FRU) 90P5245,控制器1,错误代码:10。
The battery-backup cache device, FRU part number 90P5245, needs a new battery: controller 1, Error code: 10
电池备份缓存设备需更换新电池,备件号(FRU) 90P5245,控制器1,错误代码:10。