So what prompted Mr Bush to come out with such a tough response against his erstwhile ally, after six days of dithering?
According to Danone, Wahaha is making and selling POTS of yoghurt and other comestibles to erstwhile clients of the venture without putting a penny in the joint cash-till.
In embracing Einstein, our century took leave of a prior universe and an erstwhile God.
The court accepted his defence that he had been drugged by erstwhile business partners, a couple of Lebanese-American brothers, so apparently he could not be held accountable for his actions.
Of course, this approach assumes that you do have other erstwhile bosses and colleagues who would be happy to give you a glowing recommendation.
This erstwhile schoolmaster had discovered a way of keeping us quiet in the evenings.
What will be revealed in its full ferocity is his loathing for Miss Lyon and her then-husband Ralph Ashcroft, a Briton who was the writer's erstwhile business advisor.
At a time when its erstwhile titans could do with displaying contrition, signs of hubris abound.
Her stern words for Europe assuaged worries that a former French finance minister would be too cosy with her erstwhile colleagues.
It is now being taken over by Volkswagen, its erstwhile target in a drawn-out takeover battle, after buckling under the weight of debt and derivatives it took on in a bid to wrest control of VW.
大众是保时捷旷日持久的收购战中的早期收购目标。 此前,保时捷为控制大众持有了大量债券和衍生品,却最终被压垮。
There's also a new LLDB debugger, which is a replacement for the erstwhile GDB debugger but USES the same parser and source code tools as the compiler does.
全新的调试器LLDB也包含其中,它应用和编译器相同的解析器和源代码工具,目的是为了替代旧有的gd b调试器。
According to danone wahaha is making and selling POTS of yoghurt and other comestibles to erstwhile clients of the venture without putting a penny in the joint cash-till.
Be that as it may, nothing will more swiftly unite two previous foes in a common front if they are threatened by a potential enemy perceived to be more dangerous than their erstwhile opponent.
Lots of erstwhile Lib Dem voters are "not very rational", regrets a senior MP.
The most innovative and intriguing entrepreneur of our time is ushering in a future that's as unexpected and disruptive as the erstwhile future that the PC and then the Internet created.
I was traveling with a translator and two of her friends, erstwhile guides.
Hilary Clinton has some of the key attributes of a good secretary of state - stature and toughness, but her status as an erstwhile Obama rival might undermine an traditional trump card.
希拉里具备一位优秀国务卿的某些关键特质- - -才干和韧性,但她作为奥巴马前竞争对手的特殊身份,也可能会使该职位历来的王牌地位受到动摇。
We were delighted to discover a new community garden where erstwhile had been a trash-filled vacant lot.
Amazing, "said Damon, the erstwhile center fielder." I'm not sure anybody has a better arm in the game. There are not too many center fielders who can stop a running game. He's been incredible.
Amazing, "said Damon, the erstwhile center fielder." I'm not sure anybody has a better arm in the game. There are not too many center fielders who can stop a running game. He's been incredible.