It is said that the kipper made on the day of the Cold Dew with accessory foods such as rice wine, salt, glutinous rice, and ginger are especially delicious.
We show them in the hallway so that on Parents' Day, the children are especially proud of their work.
That is especially clear this year with our focus in the World health Report and World health Day on the health of mothers, the newborn and children.
The climate out there is beautiful, especially if you feel that on a winter's day like today, you might wish you were in--some of you might wish you were there.
We all know that slacking off on dental hygiene is the first way to get cavities, but stress can also be a culprit, say experts, especially when you’re grinding your teeth at night or during the day.
But men has to understand that sensitive women yearn for romance and adore flower, especially on Valentine's Day, they all dream for their beloved one to send them flower.
It is especially poignant that he died on the day before his wedding.
Things will go surprisingly well on that day and you'll likely see a lucky break on this day, especially for home-related matters.
The biologists noticed that once each day the colour of the crab is especially dark, and that each this appears fifty minutes later than on the day before.
It is especially poignant that he died on the day before his wedding.
Even one glass a day can have detrimental effects on the unborn baby, especially in the first trimester, so it is recommended that you avoid all alcohol during pregnancy.
The Buddhist reason for having such insecurity within us is that if we go on checking our life, especially our day-to-day life, we'll realise that there's doubt about our existence.
The Buddhist reason for having such insecurity within us is that if we go on checking our life, especially our day-to-day life, we'll realise that there's doubt about our existence.