Objective to provide perpetual research materials for longevity studies, we established immortal lymphoblastoid cell lines of long lived people.
Three cell lines were established from muscle, heart and swim bladder SHS of snakehead (Channa striatus.
Calli were induced from cotyledons, hypocotyls, and taproot cambium of Daucus carrot. and cell suspension lines were established.
Conclusion: Heparanase stable expression cell lines have been successfully established, which could be of great benefits to the screening and function study of its inhibitors.
We established a simple method for extraction of DNA from the nucleus and RNA from the cytosol of the same cultivated 'cells or cell lines.
Particle swarm optimization was applied to solve manufacturing cell reconfiguration problem. Particles with sum machining lines dimension were established to assign workpieces to machining lines.
Methods the plasmids which can express the truncated mutants of the TPR tandem clusters at different region of CRLP were constructed, stable transfected BEL7402 cell lines were established.
方法构建了不同TPR串联簇的截断突变体的表达质粒后,建立了稳定转染的BEL740 2细胞株。
ResultsWe successfully established 10 immortal lymphoblastoid cell lines in the family, and 4 of them suffered from type 2 diabetes.
Conclusion T739 mouse bladder cancer cell lines and tumor-bear model expressing human MUC1 were successfully established for the development of tumor vaccines targeting MUC1.
For utilization of the mouse embryonic stem (es) cells for various purposes, it is desirable that the cell lines are established from various sources such as inbred and outbred mouse strains.
However, some investigators demonstrated that glioma stem cells are radiosensitive with a defective DNA damage response compared with established glioma cell lines.
However, some investigators demonstrated that glioma stem cells are radiosensitive with a defective DNA damage response compared with established glioma cell lines.