There is an inherent connection among beauty, esthetic judgment, and beauty creation.
The motive force of esthetic judgment is to expect aesthetically. The aesthetic methods are the combinations of ordinary image thinking and artistic thinking.
Epic is the book recording the memory of Nationality, manifesting the spirit of the Nationality, recording the its history and culture, embodying its esthetic judgment.
Actualization of aesthetic judgment is based on the sublimation of the practical value and its limited and present existence for the purpose of realizing esthetic freedom.
When advancing and discovering the problems, the scientists need not only abstract thought and precise reasoning, but also abundant imagination and strong esthetic judgment.
This paper conducts a value judgment on esthetic fad mainly from the angle of esthetics, and points out that esthetic fad has a potential negative value not to be ignored.
This paper conducts a value judgment on esthetic fad mainly from the angle of esthetics, and points out that esthetic fad has a potential negative value not to be ignored.