The estimated cost is 9 million.
Estimated cost is approximately CAD184 billion.
The project's estimated cost is $3.5 million.
What is your estimated cost to buy the "Reader"?
As the proposals pile up, so does the estimated cost to the Banks.
Toyota declined to disclose the estimated cost of the recalls.
The estimated cost of executing the query has decreased dramatically, also.
Therefore, the estimated cost of this coal is debited to the Inventory account.
The estimated costs are cost units that the optimizer uses to compare query plans.
But based on the estimated cost to move just 5% of the displaced, housing all the.
Field support clicks on the task and enters values for the estimated cost and the location as shown in Figure 7.
The reasonable depreciation arising from such damage or loss, but not exceeding the estimated cost of repairs.
The optimizer chose this query plan because the estimated cost for its execution was the lowest among all the evaluated plans.
The total cost to modify the standard pump would include hoses, wetted components and installation for an estimated cost of XXXX.
A revised estimated cost is necessary either because of change orders initiated by the owner or due to unexpected cost overruns or savings.
Before SQL is executed, the DB2 optimizer estimates the cost of the candidate access paths and selects the path with the least estimated cost.
在执行SQL之前,DB 2优化器会评估候选访问路径的成本,然后选择成本最低的路径。
By using these project management methods and skills, this project was undertaken successfully following the planned schedule and estimated cost.
The estimated cost to the city was expected to top $5 million a year, most of that for the school system, according to the Council's finance division.
The estimated cost of lost productivity on a normal bank holiday in Britain, which, under the orders of Prime Minister David Cameron, the wedding day has become.
The additional financing will finance the following activities: 1) Rural Road Improvement Program (Estimated cost US$555.89 million, with loan financing at US$49.375 million).
The budgeted cost should also be updated periodically to reflect the estimated cost to completion as well as to insure adequate cash flows for the completion of the project.
Dell justifies that price both by its ability to sell Perot's U.S.-dominated business through a bigger global customer group and by an attractive $300 million in estimated cost savings.
"The estimated cost of premature death from a pack of cigarettes is a key element in the cost-benefit analysis of policies designed to prevent and control smoking", the researchers say.
"The estimated cost of premature death from a pack of cigarettes is a key element in the cost-benefit analysis of policies designed to prevent and control smoking", the researchers say.