The following schedule lists the group totals from the aging schedule and shows how the estimated total amount of uncollectible accounts is computed.
The following schedule lists the group totals from the aging schedule and shows how the estimated total amount of uncollectible accounts is computed…
This finding does not increase the total estimated amount of methane in the atmosphere, Bastviken said. Rather it helps explain where some of the unaccounted-for methane is coming from.
Ken Caldeira, a climate scientist at Stanford University's Carnegie Institution, has estimated that the total energy contained in wind is 100 times the amount needed by everyone on the planet.
Extrapolating from lake depths on Earth, the researchers estimate several of the lakes on Titan each contain more than the total amount of natural gas on Earth, estimated to be about 130 billion tons.
The maximum total subscription amount for the New Fund shall not exceed the estimated maturity proceeds of the Original Fund.
This percentAGE, when applied to the total dollar amount in the AGE group, gives the estimated uncollectible portion for that group.
The total amount of investment required by the Company is presently estimated by the Parties to be.
The total amount of accounts receivable actually written off will seldom, if ever, be exactly equal to the estimated amount previously credited to the Allowance for Doubtful accounts.
For drugs excreted primarily unchanged in urine, bioavailability can be estimated by measuring the total amount of drug excreted after a single dose.
For drugs excreted primarily unchanged in urine, bioavailability can be estimated by measuring the total amount of drug excreted after a single dose.