Firm Numbers are hard to come by; as European Union (EU) citizens, the French can move to Britain without registering with any authority.
Walsh said the European Union should use its emissions trading scheme as a fore-runner for a global programme but not attempt to drag in non-EU airlines lest they take legal action.
Within the European Union, the EU arbitration Convention provides for arbitration of unresolved transfer pricing cases between EU countries.
Nobody believes that Serbia's challenge to the European Union over Kosovo will be anything like as dramatic; most Serbs want to join the EU, not destroy it.
Yet by the time a 1991 European summit was held in the Dutch city of Maastricht, a plan for economic and monetary union (EMU) was written into a new EU treaty, to be ratified by member states later.
In the European Union Austria, Denmark, Greece, Ireland and Portugal are strongly anti-nuclear, but the EU as a whole is unlikely to go their way.
A statement by foreign ministers of the European Union (EU) even seemed to equate the recognition of Israel with that of Palestine.
Norway has twice voted against joining the European Union (in 1972 and 1994), but is associated with the EU via the European Economic Area.
And more than any of the other institutions of the European Union (EU), it can allow elected individuals to make a difference: personal enthusiasm counts.
The European Union condemned the arrests, and there were rumours this week that EU diplomats might be withdrawn.
Despite a big road-building programme, mostly paid for by the European Union, Polish roads are among the worst in the EU: 35 people died on them over Easter.
Roughly half of all immigrants are either Britons returning from abroad or citizens of other European Union states, whose entry is guaranteed by rules on freedom of movement in the EU.
The European Union (EU) may also have a stick to wield, though it is not yet clear how big.
Separately, Canada said it was concerned that the European Union was seeking to "stigmatise" Alberta's oil-sands industry, as the EU appeared to move closer to classifying such oil as heavy polluting.
The European Union (EU) has seen many an example of this.
He was angry that European Union leaders have not stopped Slovenia from blocking Croatia's EU accession talks over a trivial border dispute-but nobody thinks that merited his departure.
The Northwood centre was established in late 2008 as part of Operation Atalanta, a European Union (EU) naval initiative against Somali piracy.
Even so, she approved nearly all the bank-rescue packages on the basis that each aims to prevent a "serious disturbance" in a European Union (EU) country's economy.
After years of exploiting differences between old and new members of the European Union, Vladimir Putin, Russia’s prime minister, has realised that EU solidarity is more than mere rhetoric.
The European Union is contemplating introducing a system of “blue cards” that will give talented people a fast track to EU citizenship.
The EU reaffirmed that work on strengthening the application of the European Union Code of Conduct on arms exports was continuing.
Robert Cooper, Director-General of the Council of the European Union, once told me that the EU has already entered the post-modern era, whereas China is still in its modern stage.
Robert Cooper, Director-General of the Council of the European Union, once told me that the EU has already entered the post-modern era, whereas China is still in its modern stage.