The European Commission proposed that European Union members should jointly agree to admit more refugees from conflict zones and poor countries.
Britain appears unlikely to break ranks with other members of the European Union.
But the latest hostility has been aimed at the far larger Numbers who have moved westwards from the new east European members of the European Union, notably Poland and Romania.
The third factor has been an enormous influx of immigrant workers-around 600,000 from new members of the European Union alone since May 2004 (though some will have left again).
Fifty years later the European Economic Community has changed out of all recognition, having metamorphosed into the European Union and grown far beyond the original six members.
Ten countries have "rejoined Europe" by becoming members of the European Union.
Ten countries have “rejoined Europe” by becoming members of the European Union.
There are deep apprehensions towards Turkey's membership from the European public as well as also from key members of the European Union, such as France and Germany.
Britain has more of its people living in households of relative poverty (ie, with income below 60% of the national median) than all but six of the 27 members of the European Union (EU).
We are members of NATO, in the majority. We are members of the European Union, with which the United States has very good relations.
Greece's problems underscore longstanding concerns the European monetary union lacks the tools to make sure members' debts don't spiral out of control.
More broadly, citizens in the European Union know all about outrageous perks, because they all elect members of the European Parliament (MEPs).
European nations began to impose VATs in the late 1960s, and now the European Union requires all members to have a VAT of at least 15%.
Today seventeen of the twenty-seven members of the European Union are in the euro area.
Inventors apply to the European Patent Office, with which all 27 members of the European Union and nine other European countries co-operate.
Every year the European Commission assesses progress by would-be members of the European Union.
The 10 eastern members of the European Union will remain affected by high unemployment, the World Bank said last month.
Yet in Europe the mess has been cooked up closer to home, in east European countries, many of them now members of the European Union.
Representatives from the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council plus Germany and the European Union met for about three hours.
After years of exploiting differences between old and new members of the European Union, Vladimir Putin, Russia’s prime minister, has realised that EU solidarity is more than mere rhetoric.
The European Union would also do these countries a huge favour if it were willing to hold out the prospect, however distant, of their becoming members.
Altogether, the possible members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) produce 40% of world GDP—far more than the European Union.
Altogether, the possible members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) produce 40% of world GDP—far more than the European Union.