According to Eurostat, standards of living in Romania are among the lowest in the EU.
Analysts from Eurostat, the EU's statistical office, interviewed working men and women in 10 countries.
On November 15th Eurostat, the European statistics agency, revised Greece's budget shortfall for last year up to 15.4%.
In reports to the Eurostat statistics authority, Portugal classified its subsidies to the Lisbon subway as equity.
According to Eurostat, in 2008, the Eurozone average was just under 41 hours per week, with France slightly under 40.
Data from Eurostat, the European Union's statistical agency, show Spain had a jobless rate of 40.5 percent in May for people under 25.
Eurostat, the European Union's statistics agency, takes a different approach: It defines the poverty line as 60 percent of each nation's median income.
A 2008 Eurostat report, however, says questions about how to account for off-market swaps like the one used in Greece were raised as early as 2007.
Because of its past habit of fudging the national accounts, Greece will face tougher surveillance, including monitoring by Eurostat, the EU's statistical agency.
Because of its past habit of fudging the national accounts, Greece will face tougher surveillance, including regular monitoring by Eurostat, the EU's statistical agency.
The most recent figures from Eurostat, the European statistics agency, suggest that youth unemployment, for many years low in Britain, is now higher than the euro-area average.
Base on the framework of material flow analysis (MFA) proposed by Eurostat, material metabolic state and metabolic intensity for the Chengyang District in Qingdao were analyzed.
Using data from Eurostat, the official EU statistics body, our interactive chart, below, breaks down the employment make-up of each of the 27 EU member states, along with Norway.
By comparison, Greece failed to book 1.6 billion ($2.2 billion) of military expenses in 2001-10 times what was saved with the swap, according to Eurostat, the EU's statistics authority.
Eurostat researchers caution that their projections are a "what if" scenario and do not take into account future changes in immigration policy or fertility rates that could alter the outcome.
Eurostat researchers caution that their projections are a "what if" scenario and do not take into account future changes in immigration policy or fertility rates that could alter the outcome.