The fact is that, these restaurants can gain much profits in China and can easily evade tax.
Lower income tax may not have much effect: Many Chinese people have been exempt from income tax, while others evade tax idea.
Tax leakage is real. Some of it is clearly illegal—such as when a businessman salts away money abroad to evade taxes—and deserves to be punished.
To be specific, the subjective reason for taxpayers to evade tax is interest. As driven by interest, most taxpayers desire and require avoidance of tax.
So it necessary to try to set up tax-collecting model, to analyze the impact of tax-collecting environment on evading taxes activity and to take measures to evade taxes.
Sometimes they wonder why. Their competitors evade taxes (one trick is to put individual eateries in the names of friends and relatives to qualify for small-business tax breaks).
While the use of debit and credit CARDS has increased in the last decade in India, many retailers still either insist on taking cash to evade tax or else ask for mark-ups to cushion the blow.
That is, given the tax instruments available, some fraction of the wage-earning population may evade income taxes completely.
Up to co-ordinate with finance to control tax and foreign exchange, evade the risk availably.
In recent years, the transnational corporations generally evade the tax revenue through transfer pricing between affiliated enterprises. This trend is popular in the world and growing in intensity.
This part introduces the accountant of price (inflation accountant mainly), double taxation of international tax revenue, evade payment of duty and anti-evade payment of duty.
This part introduces the accountant of price (inflation accountant mainly), double taxation of international tax revenue, evade payment of duty and anti-evade payment of duty.