The efficiency is a primary evaluating indicator for oil transportation pump.
Second, establishes a set of comprehensive interest rate evaluating indicator system.
In Chapter two, the author defines the concepts and puts forward the evaluating indicator for each variable.
On the basis of the old end effect evaluating indicator, the definition of the end effect valid data is defined.
Objective to appraise validity and reliability of the evaluating indicator system of execution process in medical research projects.
The selection of evaluating indicator in enterprise 'performance evaluation has significant influence on the validity of the result.
The study on evaluation method and evaluating indicator system of HRM will become one of the important research topics in the field of HRM.
A new evaluating indicator, load-deformation under high temperature, was introduced based on the working condition of ceramic foam filters for casting.
ABSTRACT: thermal efficiency is a primary evaluating indicator for boilers. The quality of measured parameters influences the thermal efficiency greatly.
Evaluating indicator system, evaluating standard and process are established according to the model from two levels of the whole product and its components.
Projection pursuit (PP), improving genetic algorithm (IGA) and vector are used as a chief means of evaluating indicator and analyzing datum for the first time.
The evaluating indicator system of rural residential land consolidation potentiality was built respectively from natural potentiality and realistic potentiality.
In order to achieve crime prevention lighting request, should use the semi-cylindrical illumination person profession illumination an important evaluating indicator.
An evaluating indicator system is built through the method combining quantitative analysis and qualitative evaluation for evaluation of the decision-making mechanism.
An evaluating indicator system was consequently established as well as the correlative calculating methods for degree, amount, and efficiency of intensive management.
This paper discusses the design principles and methods of the evaluating indicator system of circular economy and makes an intensive study of its evaluation methodology.
On the basis of the model of the post competence strength of the person handling the bad assets, the paper constructs the evaluating indicator system of the personnel selection.
The classification of biomass gasification technologies, the characteristics of gasifiers, the influencing factors of gasification performance and the evaluating indicator are reviewed.
Based on the connotation of health of ecosystem in mining areas and the evaluating indicator system, this paper puts forward the evaluation method of ecosystem health trend in mining areas.
The writer contributed complete web–based courses evaluating indicator, it can be used in the evaluation system. However, the objects of evaluation are to some degree fuzzy and uncertainty.
In recent years, many scholars have made some important research on the evaluation of the web-based courses; have formulated a series of measuring table, gauge, evaluating indicator system.
There are a great many factors to consider when evaluating a technology solution, don't take price alone as an indicator of value.
As the indicator of evaluating the carrying capacity of the bridge, calibration coefficient should have Strict definition and accurate methods of calculation.
Effectiveness is an important indicator in evaluating library management and services.
The typomorphic characteristics of pyrrhotite can be regarded as indicator of prospecting and evaluating for gold deposit.
The results show that TPP can be directly used as mineralogic mark for prospecting and evaluating gold deposit and indicator for recognizing the origin of deposit.
Study on transmission chains is not only applied to the calculation of SARS incubation period, but also used as an important indicator for evaluating the effectiveness of SARS prevention and control.
Conclusion It has been proved that the established indicator system for evaluating the impact of 2008 Olympic Games on population health in Beijing was scientifically reasonable.
Whether assessing the sum of those selected indicators values or appraising each single indicator from different view, both of them are reliable methods for evaluating sustainable land management.
Whether assessing the sum of those selected indicators values or appraising each single indicator from different view, both of them are reliable methods for evaluating sustainable land management.